View Profile DjMontana

83 Audio Reviews

47 w/ Responses

New age track of Zoysa...

Hey man !

I am working on that halo Remix right now but im always happy too listen to ur tracks man :D

Well i just have too say it Sounds real Nice ! Complex Composition!
I Hear just like the others are saying that u reduced the Sound Quality...
instead exp Quility up but lower the dither in sec options, that also helps. ! :D

But as For the Track The part at ! 3.00 Min Just SOunds Awsome... I hope u Can send me The Full version in .24 dither ! That will sound good on my 5.1.

I don`t know how u played such a COmplex track in such a short time, but line
just walk in perfect harmony.
Piano is just in the right place, nice deep Delay with reverb.
OEhhh only the track goes Haywire for short seconds there...

Overall Great track..Just Refine those small Things and u have a+ track there !

greetz DJMontana

DJ-Zoysa responds:


im so glad to get a great review like that from u :D i really appreciate u taking the time out to review my songs it's helped me so much.

i know i love 3:00 as well, and i love the way the piano is so simple but almost shapes the song in a way :P

buy the way, the song going "haywire" is actually part of it, i used some "time bomb" effect on it in nero and i liked how it sounded so i kept it in xD

but yeh, thanks heaps for that review! when u make new songs drop me a message and ill check em out ;D

-DJ Zoysa

Hello TDeep bass !!

Hey Tuneit...

I think u used a very strange way off making your track, but i think this strange
way has a very cool sound.
It`s a bit short but pretty powerfull ! but a little empty like helthrmx also emplies !

The Intro at 57 sec is pretty good, but this more a Hard Trance track !
This olmost sounds like a track wich the dutch Dj`s play at Q-Music !

Im Not a Real hard trance Fan but i think u did A good Job HEre !!

Greetz DJMontana

zenodio responds:

Thanks a lot. It means a lot to me, and the track isn't finished yet, that's why the title says "(Prev)" it means "Preview"

The full version is finished soon =)

I'll check out some of your work right now.

High C tones Squick !

hello opqc...

Well i have too say.. some tones Really sound off ! the tones are played in a
Synthesizer that do not match very good !
The bass and drum are ok.. but the high c tones. i would have done it different.

It is really short track so i would suggest to make it a little longer and trying too add some more Deep Stynthesizer sounds.

greetz DJMontana

OPQC responds:

the tones AREN'T played with the synthesizer.
and it's not C tone. it's C#7. you have to get on with it.
and it's short because IT'S MY STYLE!

Helllll..this is a good Departure

Hey man..

First off i never Saw u here online before but it`s good too see more
talented people here.

You should not say this what u just did ! people who do not listen too the end
do NOT DESERVE TO VOTE !! that is what i think.

A person with good feeling for ritme, and a little respect always listens the entire track.

;;;;; Now ;;;;; Ur track here is indeed a Nice peace off work.
I do think that u could have used bit more deeper sounds at the start !
The half off the track this deeper vibe comes up! .. why only use that there ! ?
The track would be more as one if u do !

The bass is in a little way more too the background..wich i think sounds little
too soft in some parts.
When the beat comes up..this changes..because its playing olmost alone.

overall a Nice track too keep in favs..

great Job..

greetz DJMontana

ps; PLease listen to some off my tracks.

a joyride back too old style..

Hey korpze..

Well i have to agree with the other 2 submissions so far !
The start is a bit strange ! but you track has a good flow too it but i think
u Mixed too much in one..
There is no line in the track, its all mixed so fast after another.. try keeping it more Simple so the track has like a story wich it has too tell...

Keep trying..

Greetz DJMontana

Trance flow...in disguise..

Hey man...

First off i have never heard youre work before..so..
you posted this in Trance section... but too me this is more a dance track !
Just to give u a heads up ! :D

But as far as the track goes it pretty nice with some flowing ereas ! the deep piano
track is really nice added at 2.30 !
The track is indeed a kind off day Dreaming song too Relax with !

For a track with this kind off position i cannot say anything bad ! just that i Think u should post this in anothter genre !!

Nice job

greetz DJMontana

kevindurante responds:

Thanks for the input :D

Hey zoysa...this new track !

hey man let`s see what we have here..

Well you know my style in trance by now and what things i like in tracks.
I am more fond off the energentic type so im gonna try hard to get this.

Ok... it`s a bit simple start.. That Nice double synthesizer you used halfway at 3:00 min would have come real handy in there..
Then the start is pretty nice..smooth easy way off the track ( i dont know the original).

The upcoming at 3:00 is pretty good...Nice deep groove wich makes it rich sounding good job there.
But oeh then soon after there is a small gap when the tune is little off..
the upcoming snare is good.. !!! i Really like the fullness here.

Overall a Nice Track.. still my advice is too get but more energy at the beginning so the track is finished as one !

keep it up ! :D

Greetz DJMontana

DJ-Zoysa responds:

thanks man, ill take everything u said on board

overall this was meant to be a really chill song so the beginning wasn't very energetic just to set the mood :)

also, i heard you say something about an original? this is an original track from me, i didnt get the melodies from anywhere else :) OOOHHHHH i get what u mean u havent heard the other one - Expanse (T.E.O.S.) well id reccommedn listening to it :D

thanks man,

-DJ Zoysa

hey Zoysa...

Hey man..

Well let`s see what you made ! ..

The start is ok...just a little unbalanced.
But lateron it comes in to place... this is nice.
You are right that u do experiment with sounds.. in this case you made
a stand alone.

This could be used like a background track in an game or movie..somewhere
in this genre.

But i think if u experiment.. try using some vocals.. try a Scracth or mabey some
sounds with phasers wich gives that extra dimension in sounds.

you are starting to learn and develop..keep it up.

Greetz DJMontana

DJ-Zoysa responds:

cheers man :D

i always like reading ur reviews, ill take everything u said on board. yeh i had to do some of the intro post-rendering which was a bitch, but u know it had to be done :P

yeh i did experiment with the phaser a little as you can hear in a few parts of the song ;D the more i try new stuff, the better ill get :D


-DJ Zoysa

Hey Electrogirl..

Hey ElectroGirl ----

hey you anwsered some off my stuff tottaly forgot too check you out !
Well this sounds very Familiar hahah But it Sounds Damn good ! that`s for sure !

It`s a Reel pain too make this at this speed i think, this has to be between 180 and 200 bpm.
I don`t no if u ever have seen the early 90 `s here, but those guys would have played this track untill they would drop ! Keep on RAVIN! !!

Can`t say Anything.. Just Keep this up ! your own happy Hardcore Style !

Greetz DJMontana

trance flow !

hey derrick..

Let`s listen too this... hmm yeah Nice deep Bass !!
Nice flowing fx soundings in the back...used some filtered slayer i think, sounds
good with it.
hmmm only the beat is missing a little more action..hihats i mean.. i would have used little more.

I like the middle part... fx sound into upcoming synthsizer.
Oh then this chorus soft sounding ! hmm it`s bit too soft.. i would have put this
more in front to give it more Kick ! because now the background is in front.
The way you compose is excelent don`t get me wrong man.. just the area`s
of the sound.

Hear at 5.10 thats just wright.. exactly the sound..

Good track man..

Yodamanjaro responds:

Thanks for the review man!

Hey Evrybody.. Im here at NG to Share my Hobby with music. I try to develop my own trance style wich takes alot off time and effort, but with some good advice things go twice as fast. i`m always interested in sharing exp... greetz DJMontana

Age 43, Male


No school for now


Joined on 8/23/05

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